GTA west corridor plan and assessment could affect county

The third round of public information centres  will be held to invite people to review and comment on the transportation alternatives un­der consideration in the Greater Toronto West west corridor – and the decision could have a local effect.

One of the options denotes a highway through the lower por­tion of Erin, curving up through Guelph-Eramosa, and over to Guelph.

There is also a separate option that denotes a bypass around the village of Erin (and all of the settlement areas along the former Highways 124 and 7) as a four lane highway.

That is being considered as an al­ternative to constructing a highway.

The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has ini­tiated stage one of the formal environmental assessment for the GTA west corridor to sup­port the transportation objec­tives of the provincial growth plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe by providing for efficient movement of people and goods.

The purpose of the study is to examine long-term transpor­ta­tion problems and oppor­tunities and consider alter­na­tive solutions to provide better linkages between urban growth centres in the GTA west corridor preliminary study area.

The project team has re­cently developed and assessed a range of transportation op­tions to address the identified problems and opportunities in the corridor.

The date for local residents to attend a meeting is Nov. 30, at the River Run Centre’s Canada Company Hall, 35 Woolwich Street, in Guelph from 4 to 8pm.

The project team will be available to discuss the study and to respond to questions or concerns.

Should you require further information, contact Jin Wang, project coordinator with the MTO, at 905-704-2117, or Neil Ahmed, the consultant project manager with McCormick Ran­kin Corporation, at 905-823-8500.

Or contact the officials through a toll-free number: 1-877-522-6916 or via the project website:

