Group plans major solar project for Ignatius Jesuit centre

A not-for-profit group calling itself the Guelph Solar Community Cooperative (GSCC) is planning a solar energy project on the roof of the Ignatius Jesuit Centre valued at over $1-million.

On May 7 GSCC president Mark Bailey told Guelph-Eramosa council his group has been “really successful in raising investment” – to the tune of over $675,000.

It plans to erect a 100 to 150kW solar panel project on the roof of one of two – or both – buildings at the Ignatius centre north of Guelph.

“Ignatius is enthusiastic about this project,” Bailey said.  “We’ve developed a real meaningful partnership with them.”

He told council the GSCC does not require any financial support from the township, but a letter offering the township’s endorsement of the project will give it higher priority when the Ontario Power Authority announces its next Feed-in Tariff contracts, which could be as early as this summer.

Councillor John Scott asked what the cost would be to install the rooftop panels.

GSCC project manager Dorothy Remmer replied, “It very quickly gets over a million dollars.”

Councillors unanimously approved a resolution offering its in-principle support of the solar project.
