Group hosts Teen Challenge event

The Community Awareness Training Seminar (CATS) group, in partnership with the Community Mennonite Church, is hosting a Teen Challenge event on Nov. 24 at 7:30pm at the Drayton Festival Theatre.

Teen Challenge London is a residential alcohol and drug addiction treatment program located in London, Ontario. It  offers help and hope to those struggling with alcoholism and/or addiction to other drugs. Addicts, alcoholics, their family and friends, begin their restoration to whole life at Teen Challenge.

All teen-aged youth and interested adults are encouraged to attend the Teen Challenge event.

“If you are aware of a friend that may be battling alcohol, and drug addiction please bring them along as this event can change their lives for the better,” organizers state.

Mapleton council, at its Nov. 13 meeting, agreed to allow Teen Challenge organizers to use one of the free time slots the township is allotted at the Festival Theatre under the municipality’s lease arrangement with Drayton Entertainment to host the event.

According to the Ontario Student Drug Use and Health Survey (OSDUHS), a survey of Ontario students in Grades 7 through 12, 23 per cent of Ontario students report that they were offered, sold or given a drug at school in the last year.

People with questions about this event can call CATS chair Jim Curry at 519-638-3363.
