Group celebrates Seniors Month with events

 June is Seniors Month in Ontario and East Wellington Community Services has planned several activities to mark the occasion.

 On June 28, older adults (not just seniors) are invited to a Summer Social Dinner at Rockmosa Community Centre in Rockwood.

This inaugural event runs from 6:30pm to 8:30pm and will feature a Canada Day theme.

The event includes dinner from Swiss Chalet and entertainment from country band, Friends From The Hill.

That is a great opportunity for anyone age 50 and up to meet new friends and talk about future programming needs for active adults in the Rockwood area.

Door prizes will be available and a donation of a non-perishable food item for the EWCS food bank will earn participants an extra door prize ticket.

Tickets for the Summer Social Dinner are $10 each. All proceeds from the event go to the Rockwood Food Bank and local community services.

Tickets are available at Rockwood Esso or EWCS, located at 106 Church Street Rockwood.

For further information contact 519-856-2113 or email

Seniors needs survey

The EWCS seniors needs assessment survey completed in 2011 provided an indication of seniors’ needs and interests in Guelph-Eramosa.

EWCS plans to continue the momentum and gather more information from the community in order to move forward with new initiatives.  

Day trip for seniors

Each month EWCS offers a ray trip and this month’s destination is  the Canadian War Plane Heritage Museum in Hamilton.

The museum is a living one featuring the aircraft used by Canada’s military from the beginning of World War II up to the present.

The museum’s collection includes functioning aircraft and several that remain on static display, including interactive displays.

That day trip is on June 27. The cost is $50.

That price includes return bus transportation, admission, a guided tour and soup, salad and beverage with lunch.

Pick-up locations can be arranged in Erin, Rockwood and Hillsburgh.

Spaces are likely to fill up fast.

To reserve tickets, contact 519-833-9696 or

Celebrating seniors picnic

On June 29, the EWCS is hosting a Celebrating Seniors Picnic in MacMillan Park in Erin for staff, volunteers and clients at 1pm.

There will be coffee and cake as well as some entertainment.

Anyone who wants to celebrate seniors is welcome to attend.

Seniors Month is a great time for seniors to celebrate their lives and the many ways they continue to make our province a better place to live.
