Green Legacy and hazardous waste

Wellington County’s Green Legacy Program again cropped up.

Instead of the original originally proposed date, council here has resolved to hold the annual tree distribution event on April 28.

Mayor Lou Maieron asked if Wellington County is agreeable, since the date originally suggested was May 5.

Councillor John Brennan said the original proposal allowed the three event dates to be divided among the various municipalities. He said Guelph-Eramosa is switching its date to May 5.

Erin’s cleanup date is still slated for May 5, Maieron noted.

He added he had tried to work with the county so that instead of Erin holding its household hazardous waste day in August, that it be coordinated with the local cleanup day – to make it a day long event.

Maieron added he had also suggested, “If they would be so kind to bring along a bin for leaf and yard waste – since we lost our transfer station – we could do a whole town cleanup.”

Town manager Lisa Hass said the good News is the county is willing to switch the dates for the Green Legacy and household hazardous waste day events.

“The bad new is – no bin.”

Councillor Barb Tocher said Erin’s environmental committee requested that of the county last year. “The county was agreeable, but the notice was too short. They’ve been working with the committee all year to have the date changed.”

Maieron said, “It’s good News.”

As for the Green Legacy event, councillor John  Brennan said it is now on April 28.

Participants are asked to bring a donation for the food bank. “They will be allowed 50 seedlings per property to start with. They can be of different varieties of trees,” he said.

Brennan added once everyone is taken care of in the first round, it the tree giveaway opens up to residents with larger properties who are looking for more.

