GRCA thinning trees at Conestogo Lake Conservation Area

The Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) is carrying out forest improvement operations in the conifer plantations at Conestogo Lake Conservation Area.

The project is expected to take four to six weeks to complete, but may continue until March 15.

Crews are thinning the forest plantations in the area immediately northwest of Conestogo Lake, between Sideroad 6 and Wellington Road 10.

Heavy equipment is crossing one of the main snowmobile trails in the area and warning signs are posted. Snowmobilers are asked to use extra caution and to slow down in the vicinity of the work.

The work is part of the GRCA’s long-term management program to convert conifer plantations to more natural forest lands.

A plantation contractor will be harvesting trees marked for removal in order to improve forest health and create more varied habitats that support a greater mixture of plant, animal and bird species. Thinning is scheduled at this time of year to avoid disrupting the spring and summer nesting seasons.

The authority says these are routine, scheduled thinnings done periodically to give growing space to the healthiest trees, allow for hardwoods to seed naturally and to improve the general health and condition of the plantation.

The contractor will remove most of the felled trees from the forests, but some branches and other small pieces will be left on the forest floor where they will decompose and replenish the soil.

All work will be done in accordance with sustainable forest management guidelines, the authority states.
