GRCA taking orders for trees to be planted in 2012

Owners of A property that is greater than one hectare (2.5 acres) exclusive of buildings who would like to plant trees next spring can call the Grand River Conservation Authority now. 

GRCA staff are doing site visits with landowners this fall to create planting plans for next year.

Sites may have to be prepared this fall to be ready to plant in the spring.

A phone call to the GRCA soon means landowners’ names will be added to the list for site visits.

Demand for the service is high, so the sooner people call, the greater the likelihood that they will have trees on their property next spring.

The GRCA planted 370,000 trees this year and more than 200,000 of them were on private land. 

The GRCA can also help landowners obtain grants to offset some of the cost.

Projects such as windbreaks, shelterbelts, riparian buffers and large block plantings can be eligible for grants covering 70 to 90 per cent of the cost from sources such as Trees Ontario and the Rural Water Quality Program.

– For plantings that will be done by GRCA staff the deadline is Dec. 1. The minimum order is 500 seedlings or 20 saplings or potted plants;

– For plantings that will be done by the landowner the deadline is March 1. The minimum order is 200 seedlings or 20 saplings or potted plants.

For more information, check the Forestry section of the GRCA website at or call the appropriate staff member for your area at the GRCA office at 519-621-2761.

In Wellington County, Perth County Halton Region, and Dufferin County call Nathan Munn, extension 2262. In Mapleton Township, call Myles Henderson at extension 2259.

