Grand Valley to host Santa Claus Tour

GRAND VALLEY – Grand Valley has announced it will be hosting a Santa Claus Tour later this month.

The tour will take place Saturday, Nov. 27 and will parade through the streets of Grand Valley between 2 and 3:15pm before heading down the streets of Waldemar between 3:30 and 3:45pm.

Listen for the fire truck sirens to know when they are near your street, organizers say. For those looking to watch, refer to the town’s website for the maps of Grand Valley and Waldemar.

Please note not all streets will be covered due to turning limitations of the vehicles.

Organizers are encouraging all residents to practice social distancing and observe from their driveway.

Mr. and Mrs. Claus will eagerly await your smiling faces and waves.

The event is sponsored by Grand Valley and District Fire Department, Grand Valley and District Fire Fighters Association, Grand Valley BIA and Grand Valley Lions Club.