Good deal on gravel stretches road budget

A good deal on gravel this year will allow Mapleton public works director Larry Lynch to stretch the township’s road budget a little farther.

At the March 5 meeting, council accepted a tender from The Murray Group, of Moorefield, to supply 20,000 tonnes of ‘A’ gravel for $208,000.

Despite the fact the tender was the only one received, Lynch was pleased with the results.

“Going by last year’s price compared to this year’s price, we would save about $130,000,” said Lynch, who suggested that any extra money which could be diverted to the road budget this year could result in a big increase in the amount of road work which could be done.

“We could get a lot of work done for very little money,” he pointed out.

Lynch reported the primary focus for material placement in 2013 will be gravel roads within the boundaries of Wellington County Road 109, Wellington County Road 11, Wellington County Road 86, and Wellington County Road 9.

The Murray Group’s combined unit price for supply and trucking is $10.44 per tonne, which represents a decrease of $0.23 per tonne compared to their unit price for 2012 supply.

The Murray Group also submitted the successful tender for supply, placement and compaction of asphalt in the township for 2013. The company’s tender price of $1,029,249 was the lowest of five received.

The 2013 pavement rehabilitation program includes:

– 16th Line, from Wellington Road17 to Sideroad 21, (1.7km);

– 16th Line, from Sideroad 21 to Wellington Road 12, (7.1km);

– Concession 16, from Wellington Road 11 to Sideroad 12 (3.8km); and

–  the municipal parking lot in Drayton.

Council also awarded a tender for routing and sealing cracks in hot-mix pavement in the municipality to R&N Maintenance of Guelph, Ontario at their price of $21,960 plus HST.

The quotation from R&N Maintenance represents a decrease of $0.048 per metre below the unit cost of $1.268 provided by The Crack Master, an Ottawa-based company, in 2012.

“The recommended 2013 operating budget for these works is $35,000 which can easily accommodate this quotation.

“This operating account could be reduced by $10,000 to accommodate this tender, however given the amount of crack repair required on local roads I would suggest the quantity be increased from 18,000 metres to 25,000 metres,” Lynch stated in his report on the tender.
