Go Transit to run through Aberfoyle

GO Transit bus ser­vice started last week between Kitchener-Waterloo and Mis­sis­sauga, with stops in Cam­bridge, Milton, and Aberfoyle.

There will be 11 eastbound trips and 12 westbound trips on weekdays and limited weekend service from Mississauga Square One Mall to downtown Kitchener. Stops will include Wil­frid Laurier University, Uni­versity of Waterloo, Cambridge SmartCentre, and the Aber­foyle park and ride lot.

At 6:35 and 7:10am, east­bound buses will stop at the Mil­ton Go Station, allowing riders to connect with the Milton GO Train service to Toronto’s Union Station. At 5:22 and 6:28pm., westbound buses will leave Milton Go Station after the arrival of evening Go Trains from Union Station.

