Giving up a treat on March 5 will help to feed some hungry students

March 5 will be the second annual Live Free Day in Guelph and Wellington and Dufferin Counties.

On that day, schools, busi­nes­ses, and individuals are be­ing challenged to give up some­­thing they take for granted each day in honour of kids in the community who are going to school too hungry to learn.

 Participants will promise to Live Free of a daily treat and donate the money they would normally spend on that item.

All money raised goes to Food and Friends to support the 65 student nutrition programs in Guelph, Wellington, and Duf­ferin.

According to the Canadian Journal of Medicine, 1 in 5 children in Canada are hungry – defined as a lack of access to nourishment to assist in their physical and emotional growth. The Live Free campaign focus­es on raising funds to address child hunger.

Participants who have al­ready accepted the Live Free challenge include the Upper Grand District School Board, the Wellington Catholic Dis­trict School Board, Liz Sandals constituency office, Mayor Karen Farbridge, Guelph Hy­dro, Linamar Corporation, and over 18,000 primary and secon­dary school students.

“I’m pleased to live free of breakfast on March 5 in sup­port of the Food and Friends program,” said Mayor Karen Far­bridge

“Even in Guelph, Canada’s most caring community, there are children who go to school too hungry to learn.

“By sup­port­ing the Live Free cam­paign, we can make a big diff­erence in the lives of local children.”

To find out more about the campaign and to register, visit or contact the Children’s Founda­tion at 519-826-9551.

The Children’s Foundation of Guelph and Wellington be­lieves every child has the right to go to school well nourished and ready to learn.

The Food and Friends program achieves that by supporting 65 student nutrition programs in Guelph, Wellington, and Dufferin Coun­ties.

In the current school year, over 11,000 students will ac­cess the snacks and meals provided by Food and Friends.


