Fresh trends and tips for your spring gardening

Rising temperatures mean your garden is ready to be replenished and renewed for the season ahead. Here are some useful tips.

Organize and clean

out your garden

 Get rid of any dead plants that will not rebloom in order to make space for new ones to grow.

Pet-friendly plants

You can still have a beautiful garden even if you have a pet, just be sure to include ones that are safe. 

According to PetSmart veterinarian Dr. Jennifer Freeman, specific plants can be toxic and very dangerous for pets. 

Some of these include daffodils, mistletoe, poinsettia, tulips and lilies. Different plants are poisonous for different pets, so be sure to do your research.

Apply mulch

An easy and functional way to make your garden look great is to apply a fresh layer of mulch, which can include wood chips, straw and finished compost. 

Applying mulch helps your garden retain moisture in the soil. It breaks down over time

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