Food for body and soul offered Nov. 13 to 15

A new program at the Ignatius Jesuit Centre here promises to be a scrump­tious hit.

Food for Body and Soul: The Spirituality of Food will take place Nov. 13 to 15.

Whether it is a family meal, an intimate dinner in a fine res­taurant, or the Eucharistic meal, food has always been about more than physical nourishment. The staff at Igna­tius worked around that model to create a program that will be appealing and inviting to anyone with an interest in food.

“The retreat seeks to cele­brate God’s gift of food while reconnecting people to the earth and the food it gives them,” said Jim Profit, Execu­tive Director at the Ignatius Jesuit Centre. “The industrial model of producing food, along with our busy lifestyles, has severed our spiritual relation­ship with food and the Earth that produces it. We’re hoping this retreat will be a step in the right direction towards a solution of this crisis.”  The retreat is targeted to anyone in the food industry; farmers, restaurant owners, cat­er­ing companies, local markets, gardeners, bakers, or anyone with an interest in food or ecology.

The weekend retreat will be given by members of the eco­l­ogy project, along with farm, retreat, and kitchen staff. The meals will be a key component of the retreat.

To register for this retreat visit our website, www.loyola­ For more information on the retreat contact Profit, 519-824-1250 extension 255 or director@­


