Fisk: Poverty and crime related

Deputy-mayor Terry Fisk said council and the community should do more to fight the adverse impact poverty has on crime and health.

Fisk, who recently attended a seminar on the subject, brought the issue to council at its May 1 meeting.

“If we could reduce poverty we could reduce crime and health costs,” Fisk told council.

“Wellington North and Minto are the poorest (municipalities) in the county. I think it’s something we have to work on.” Chief administrative officer Bill White said poverty could be part of the town’s review of its future plan aimed at prioritizing issues for council and the community.

Commuter challenge

For the second time, Minto will square off against Mapleton Township in a “Commuter Challenge.”

Three years ago the two municipalities participated in a week-long commuter challenge which involved car pooling, walking and biking to and from work. When the results came in, the Town of Minto won with 1,711 kilometers saved.

“The Minto-Mapleton Communities in Motion met and agreed that it would be fun to introduce this challenge once again,” town officials said in a press release. The challenge will take place from June 3 to June 9 and encourages council, staff, residents and businesses to leave their cars at home to participate in walking, cycling and carpooling.
