Firefighter recruitment night planned in Palmerston

If it worked in Mapleton, it might work here too.

Based on the success of Mapleton’s fire recruitment efforts, Minto is planning its own firefighter recruitment night on May 16 at 7pm at the Palmerston hall.

A report from Minto Fire Chief Chris Harrow to council said the town had approved staffing levels of 25 firefighters and five auxiliaries at the Palmerston and Harriston stations, and 20 firefighters and five auxiliaries at the Clifford station.

Harrow said the Clifford station has lost a few of its members in recent months, and is short three firefighters and three auxiliary members.

He added the Palmerston and Harriston stations have room for auxiliary fire fighters.

Harrow said, “This is the first time that we have done something like this. We thought we would try something different for recruiting.”

Harrow said the Mapleton Fire Department, which recently held a recruitment night, “had a lot of success, having 16 interested people out; 14 of them sent in resumes. We are going to model our event after theirs, with the hope of having as much success as they had.”

Harrow added, “All potential fire fighters are encouraged to bring their families to this night. This way, everyone gets a total understanding of the job we perform and the job that they are signing up for.”

Harrow said, “As we know, being volunteer firefighters takes commitment from all members of the family, not just the fire fighter.”

He explained, “Volunteer fire departments are involved in so many things other than fighting fires.”

The event includes a power point presentation and introduction to the Minto Fire Department. Harrow said the intent is to introduce people to the operations and structure of the department.

The plan is to host 10 booths representing various firefighter activities. Potential candidates are encouraged to go to each booth to get a better understanding of those activities.

Current Minto firefighters will answer questions.

“After each person has seen all of the booths and had all of their questions answered, we will provide them with information where they can forward their resumes to.”

Candidates will be interviewed and take part in agility testing such as dragging a hoseline, a rescue dummy, climbing a ladder, and other fire related activities.

“This will show us whether or not they can do the job, and show the candidate what the job entails.”

From that, a hiring list will be generated.

“My hope is that the list will be good for a year.”

Harrow explained that with the list, the fire department will have people available to fill vacancies as they arise.

