Final tree inventory completed by Neighbourwoods

Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj joined Neighbourwoods on the Grand for a ceremonial “measuring of the last tree,” in celebration of the end of data collection for the 2010 tree inventory project.

A pilot version of the project was launched last year. MP Michael Chong.

Chong lent a hand by helping with the government funding necessary to secure two staff positions to help run the inventory. A note from the mayor’s desk, added to the inventory permission let­ters, helped to reassure resi­dents of the project’s im­portance.

“This is an amazing opportunity for us in Centre Wellington to get a real handle on the urban forest,” Ross Zuj said.

As of June, Neighbour­woods staff and volunteers catalogued more than 3,000 urban trees, recording their location, species, and health. The inventory data that they collected will identify potential planting spots, what species to plant for diversity, and deter­mine the overall health of our urban trees.

Ross-Zuj and Neigh–bourwoods staff members LeeAnne Mac­Greg­or and Sunni Vann sur­rounded a Little-leaf Linden tree at the corner of Melville and Church Street in Elora. Also in attendance were Jim Smith, a representative Chong’s office, and a group of tree inventory volunteers, Lynda Golletz, Randi Vann, Kirk McElwain, Ian Rice, and Kathy Maggs. The tree was the 3,608th measured this year, and the 4,635th tree in total.

Ross-Zuj helped to measure the height, diameter, canopy size, and 28 other characteristics.

Volunteers and staff mem­bers spent the summer season doing the same for every tree in the 20 block radius that they were tackling this year. Eventually, the group will do an inven­tory of every tree in the Elora and Fergus area.

