Fergus Walk for Guide Dogs

It’s not quite the dog days of summer, but the weather cleared up nicely for the Fergus Lions Club’s annual Purina Walk for Dog Guides.

Event chairman Bob Meadows explained that this is an annual event run by the Lions Foundation and there are over 200 clubs in Canada running similar events.

“We’re raising funds for the training of guide dogs for people who have vision or hearing problems, physical disabilities, children with autism, or epilepsy.”

Meadows said it takes about $20,000 to train a dog and to get the dog started with the person to which it is being assigned.

“There are terrific facilities down in Oakville, where the Lions Foundation is.”

Meadows explained that “once the dogs are trained, they bring the people in.”

Those people live with the dog for four to six weeks sharing an apartment, and once they are both comfortable, “away they go.”

This year marks the 13th Walk for Dogs in the Fergus community, Meadows added.

“We get quite a number of dogs out – depending on the weather.”

He noted there are businesses that make pledges, “and we think this is a very worthwhile event.”

He added this year also included a demonstration by the local Sheltie club.

After the presentation, owners and their pets had the chance to try out the agility equipment.

Centre Wellington Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj spoke to those gathered.

“I’m so pleased you’ve taken some time out of your busy schedules to support such a worthwhile cause.”

She thanked the Lions for their work organizing the event.

To those taking part, she advised “Enjoy your walk; it’s beautiful on the trail. There are many people out this weekend doing various activities for charity. It’s just wonderful to see.”

She added, “To all our furry friends, I hope that they have a great day.”

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