Fergus Scottish Festival hosts first curling bonspiel on March 30

The Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games will partake in one of Scotland’s favourite pastimes,  curling, on March 30.

The 2012 festival hosted a synthetic ice surface which allowed younger visitors to try a hand at curling.

All weekend, children of all ages were throwing rocks. The club decided to expand on this success and invite curlers from near and far to participate in the first bonspiel at the Fergus Curling Club – 148 St. George St. W.

As a well-loved Scottish tradition in Fergus, the festival is looking for 16 teams for this premier event. Teams of four and individuals of any age or skill level are welcome to register.

All teams are guaranteed two games as well as a meal and prizes.

Registration is $40 per person or $150 for a team of four. Register by calling the festival office at 519-787-0099.

Following the success of the recent Robbie Burns night, organizers hope the bonspiel will also be a successful fundraiser for the 2013 Fergus Scottish Festival.

Those wishing to donate a silent auction or door prize are encouraged to let organizers know.

The festival takes place August 9-11 this year. Activiteis will include the Canadian Mens Heavy Event Championship, author Diana Gabaldon, pipe, drum and dance competitions and much more.

Details will be available at www.fergusscottishfestival.com as they become available.
