Fall Fair Ambassador Chantal Dirksen enjoyed her year celebrating event

I welcome everyone to the 175th anniversary of the Fergus Fall Fair.

It has been my great honour and delight over the past year to represent the Fergus Agricultural Society.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as the 2010-11 Fair Ambassador. This year has been exciting and enjoyable in many ways and I would like to take the time to say thank you to everyone who helped make it possible.

The beginning of my journey as ambassador was the fair weekend with the theme, Fall Harvest. The weekend turned out to show record high attendance thanks to new events such as the lawn tractor pull and the antique and classic car show. Both events were a big hit and will once again be present this year.

My duties as Ambassador included handing out ribbons at the 4-H cattle and horse shows. I even had the chance to sheer my first sheep and take a ride on the winning heavy horse carriage.

Becoming the Fergus Fall Fair Ambassador is something I encourage all youth to participate in. It’s a very exciting role, one of which leads you to grow in a number of skills and friendships. If you’re looking for any information about the program, please feel free to contact me. I would be happy to help.

There are a number of people who need to be thanked for making this year a success, including the community of Centre Wellington for their continued support of the fair and the ambassador program over the years.

I would also like to thank the Fergus Agricultural Society and ambassador committee for providing me with guidance when needed and for giving me this wonderful opportunity to represent the Fergus Agricultural Society. Special thanks to Sheree, Denise, Jeanine, Rebecca and Andrew for helping me stay on track and helping whenever I needed it. I really appreciated it.

This September marks our fair’s 175th anniversary with the theme of Sowing Family Traditions.

This year’s fair promises to be a special event and I encourage everyone to attend. Maybe one of your family traditions is visiting the Fergus Fall Fair every year. If not, we hope you make it a new family tradition. We sure hope to see you there.

From this year’s Fergus Fall Fair Book.

