Eye care advice offered at diabetes information meeting

Chairman George Van Ankum welcomed 21 people to the information meeting on Diabetes and vision held recently at Knox United Church in Clifford.

Dr. Kathyrn Alton of the Palmerston Optometry Clinic focused on how diabetes can affect vision. Even those who feel they see well, consult an optometrist every year as they can detect even the slightest changes.

Her presentation provided a look at diseases of the eye, vision care, medications, laser surgery, preventative measures, and treatments to protect the eyes.

Taking a photo of the back of the eye can document the changes to your eyes throughout a number of years, she explained. She shared two case studies in which proper care led to positive results and advised those with diabetes to eat carrots, dark leafy greens, and blueberries rich in lutein to help keep thier eyes healthy.

Alice Van Ankum is looking for volunteers to canvass their community in the annual residential appeal. This is a great opportunity to get out and meet and greet your neighbours or for students to fill some volunteer hours, organizers note. Call Alice at 519-338-3181 to offer assistance. The goal is set at $40,000.

George Van Ankum praised the volunteers for their continued efforts over 40 years to raise money for diabetes and for helping others affected by diabetes.

The Branch office in Harriston is open Tuesday and Friday afternoons and offers free literature, a lending library, assistance forms, and conversations about diabetes. Call 519-338-3181 or npnw@diabetes.ca for information.

The associaiton notes Diabetes Dialogue will no longer be produced in print, but will be available online.

