Empty Glasses kickoff for Sensational Elora

‘Tis the season of Sensational Elora, and organizers had a nice kick-off here on Sept. 15 when they began making the glassware for some of the events.

Empty Bowls and its counterpart Empty Glasses is a fundraiser for the hungry, according to Sensational Elora’s executive director Karen Thomas. She said the goal of that part of the celebration is to fight hunger.

To date, that goal has been met, and organizers have raised over $40,000 in three years. This year, the money raised will go to the local food bank and to the breakfast program at Centre Wellington District High School.

The empty glasses will be on sale on Sept. 24, starting at the Sample Sensational Elora  Gala.

That event is being held at the Wellington County Museum an Archives Aboyne Hall this year.

Thomas said the ticket price has been dropped from previous years to make it more accessible to more people. Advance tickets for that event will be $45 and $50 at the door. That is a substantial decrease from last year’s event

Sample Sensational Elora Gala begins at 8pm and offers music, dancing, art, and food, and drink, as well as interactive activities.

Guests will be able to bid on fantasy prizes and try their hands at some art.  The dress code is being called “sensational.”

Glass artists and potters donate glasses bowls for a Sensational Soup-off held in October, and the Empty Glass sale begins at the Gala and will run from Oct. 1 to Oct. 10.

From the Sample Sensational Elora, featuring Mumbo Drumbo, to the closing Sensational Soup-Off on Thanksgiving Day, where Empty Bowls are filled with soup created by chefs, both amateur and professional, all vying to win the title of Super Souper, the 11-day event is designed to tickle all the senses.

For more information, visit www.sensationalelora.com.

