Elsie Grummett receives OHA life membership award

President Vic Palmer welcomed 50 members and guests to the Clifford and District Horticultural Society Christmas potluck and awards presentation on Nov. 28 at the community hall here. Sharon Prieb was playing Christmas favourites on the keyboard and an armchair tour of Clifford was rolling on the big screen as people arrived.

President Vic Palmer shared his enthusiasm for the accomplishments of the society. This year, the volunteers continued to nurture the floral displays, promoted the Homecoming competition, and supported events. There will be challenges to address next year with the main street under construction.

Elsie Grummett was presented with an Ontario Horticulture Association Life Member Award. Since 1986, Elsie took an active role in the society becoming president in 1995.

Last year’s Life Member Award recipient was Doris Jaunzemis who was presented with a plant.

Blanche Freeman announced the Edna Litt Memorial Award would be given to a member who had the top points in both the spring and summer flower shows. This year the competition resulted in a tie between Jean Yenssen and Wayne E. Pfeffer. The award was presented by Larry Litt and Elaine Binkley.

Past president Georgie Hutchison managed to secure more people to be members of the board. District 7 director Jane McDonald installed the executive and board who will depend on members’ support, listen to new ideas, and share the work load. The executive consists of president  Vic Palmer, past president Georgie Hutchison, treasurer Karen Dowler and secretary Bonnie Whitehead. Directors with terms ending in 2018 include: Ann Bowen, Elsie Grummett, Barbara Harris, Rose Harris, Isabel Senek, Jean Yenssen. Directors with terms ending in 2019 are: Helen Braun-Kreller, Blanche Freeman, Ethel Weber, Marion Wylie with newcomers Audrey Garrett, Chris Herman, Elisabeth Kuersten and Elaine Young. There is still a need for a vice-president. 
