Edgewood Camp celebrates 65th anniversary Oct. 16

Edgewood Camp and Conference Centre here will be celebrating 65 years of  summer camps family on Oct. 16.

The day’s schedule will begin at 4pm with reminiscing, walks and archives. Dinner will begin with hors d’oeuvres at 5:30pm and will be followed by guest speakers Jane Brewer and Rev. Don McLeod. 

Organizers are gathering Edgewood stories and memories from each decade to be shared at the dinner. Send a story and contact information to heather@edgewood-camp.on.ca or Camp Edgewood, 49 Memorial Street, Eden Mills, On N0B 1P0.

Dinner tickets are $30.

For tickets or more information: call Heather Nagel at Edgewood Camp and Conference Centre at 519-856-9622 or email heather@edgewoodcamp.on.ca or visit www.edgewood-camp.on.ca.




