Eden Mills Going Carbon Neutral presents Watermark

On April 22 the Canadian documentary Watermark from award winning filmmakers Jennifer Baichwal and Nick de Pencier and photographer Edward Burtynsky will be screened at the Eden Mills Community Hall by Eden Mills Going Carbon Neutral.

Trillium West will host a reception at 7pm, followed by the 8pm screening.

Watermark brings together diverse stories from around the globe about relationships with water, how people are drawn to it, what people learn from it, how people use it and the consequences of that use. This film shows water as a terraforming element and the magnitude of human need and use.

All proceeds from the event will match the Canada 150 grant to the Eden Mills Community Club for the 100-year-old Community Hall energy retrofit and facility upgrades.

The event is $20 for adults and $10 for students.

Tickets can be purchased at the door, at edenmills.ca/canada150, through paypal or by calling Ruth Bowes at 519-856-1451 or emailing rbowes@trilliumwest.com.

