Eden Mills church celebrates 150 years

The United Church here will celebrate its 150th anniversary on July 17.

The small stone church is nestled in the village, overlooking the Eramosa River. The guest speaker will be United Church of Canada Moderator, Mardi Tindal, an outspoken advocate for action to address climate change.

Barb Marshall, long time church member and local historian, and christened in the Eden Mills church in 1953, is excited about the coming anniversary celebration.

She recalls the story her grandfather, village store owner and postmaster Norm Marshall, told about buying back the church building, then used to store farm equipment, in 1925 from Ron Burrows for $25.

“Over the years, Norm and Gladys Marshall were devoted to the Eden Mills church and managed to obtain a pipe organ, still used today, from a Jewish synagogue in Hamilton. Many families including the Parkers and James have cared lovingly for the church over time,” said Barb Marshall.

Along with other church members, she has a strong interest in the environment and sustainability, and is involved in the Eden Mills Going Carbon Neutral initiative.

The 10am service at the church will include an anniversary banner dedication, and a commemorative tree planting.

After a lunch in the Eden Mills Community Hall, there will be a walk-about with the moderator, featuring carbon neutral initiatives and historic buildings.

The church, erected in 1861, is one of the oldest buildings in the village. The original congregation was Canadian Wesleyan Methodist. The church is located at 19 Cedar Street, Eden Mills.

For more information, please contact Barb Parker at 519-856-9255.

