Drimmie dam project delayed until summer

In a recent update regarding the Drimmie Dam reconstruction in Elora, Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) board members agreed with a recommendation that the Minister of Natural Resources approve the carry-over of 2012 funding for the project.

In August, 2011 the GRCA approved a motion to accept a tender bid of $1,015,547 (HST included) from Xterra Construction Inc. of Kitchener for the reconstruction of Drimmie Dam (located upstream of the Elora Gorge Conservation Area), subject to receiving the required permits and approvals.

Sanchez Engineering Inc. was retained to provide engineering and construction inspection services for the project.

Over the past 17 months, the GRCA and Sanchez Engineering have been working to obtain all the necessary approvals to proceed with the project, including the completion of a First Nations Duty to Consult process in 2011-12 resulting in clearance of First Nations concerns and subsequent registration of an archaeological assessment report.

According to the GRCA, due to “the lengthy approvals process,” 2011 Water and Erosion Control Infrastructure (WECI) funding for the project was returned to the MNR because the reconstruction work did not begin by the end of the province’s fiscal year in March 2012.

An application for 2012 WECI funding was approved in September and the MNR commenced final review of the Lake and Rivers Improvement Act (LRIA) application in August.

In July, letters of consent were sent to 21 property owners adjacent to the dam and mill pond – required as part of the LRIA approval process to confirm property owners are aware of the flooding and riparian (river bank) implications of the dam and do not object to the project.

Of the 21 letters sent, 18 were signed unconditionally, two were signed with “concerns” and one owner refused to sign, GRCA officials say.

They added the three remaining property owners have been contacted about their concerns, but do not object to the project proceeding.

A meeting was arranged by MNR staff in January to discuss the remaining outstanding items related to the LRIA approval.

After discussing the three outstanding letters of consent, GRCA staff were advised that unconditionally signed letters are required from all 21 property owners.

GRCA staff are now working with the MNR to revise the wording of the letters in an effort to obtain signed letters acceptable to both the owners and the MNR.

If the GRCA is not able to obtain signed letters from the three remaining land owners, MNR staff will review efforts made to obtain sign off and will further reconsider the need to obtain sign off from the three remaining land owners.

GRCA staff believe the MNR is very close to issuing LRIA approval, however the current construction window is closing.

While some pre-ordering of materials and removal of the existing dam may be possible before the end of March, reconstruction of the dam will have to wait until the July 2013 construction window opens.

Summer low water levels and warm temperatures provide the preferred conditions for completing in-river concrete construction activities.

Officials caution that reapplying for the fund does not come with any guarantees that the project will be approved for the 2013 WECI program.
