Drayton Heights students to host Haiti carnival May 25

At Drayton Heights Public School there is a group of students that has  been working on a special extracurricular activity.

Calling themselves the Hearts for Haiti Club, the students have been raising money and awareness to build a school in Haiti, brick by brick.

The club is working with Free the Children’s Brick by Brick program, an organization that provides a platform for Canadian students to create global and local change.

The Brick by Brick project has a goal of $8,500, which will go directly to building the school. Since January, Drayton Heights Public School has raised $5,000.

The students and staff are hoping to raise the rest of the needed amount by the end of this school year.  That is where a community event comes into play.

On May 25, the Hearts for Haiti Club, student council, and school council will team up to host an evening of games, activities, food, and live entertainment for the entire community.

The proceeds from this event will be split between Drayton Heights and the Brick by Brick project. The entire community is invited to support local and global education. Local businesses are helping with support and donations.

There will be a variety of carnival-themed games such as ball toss, dunk tank, face painting, jewellery booth, and more. There is a silent auction in the gymnasium, as well as a barbecue outside.  The event will also coincide with the Scholastic Book Fair in the school library. 

The Carnival and barbecue are open to the public from 4 to 8pm on May 25.


