
If I were to tell you that I have not been busy lately it would be a gigantic fib, with the memory elasticity equal to the promises of a politician running for office. But the fact is I have been busy, busy and busy to the point of a high numbered fraction bordering the line between comfort and frustration. I no longer enjoy what I find necessary to do. Downsizing is not something I feel comfort in doing.

We seem now to be living in a world of false promise. In a world of promises made where few if any have intention of keeping. It is a world of promises rolling from lips at times when knowing the possibility of keeping is remote and nonexistent. We live now in a world where honesty and integrity are words that have long faded in meaning. Their existence surfaces seldom in today’s world.

This is not my world. This is not the world in which the Little Lady and I lived, loved and raised our family. This is a world where hustle and hassle seems to be the norm. This is not the world in which I was born and grew up in.

Back then was a world where the people had time to stop and chat a while, hand a kid an apple or help a neighbour if so needed. It was a world where a handshake and word of mouth promise was equal to pages of contracts. There was no fine print in a handshake. Trust was a position in which each of us considered a place of honour in a social society with foresight far beyond the personal box. But, sadly, that is not so today. The world has changed.

Certainly not for the better in this country we call Canada, where fake prosperity, inflation, is peddled  off, with little concern, on the coming generations.

Robbing from  the yet unborn  certainly upgrades the robbers of graves. Life as we knew it is gone, gone forever.

In the meantime, folks, I’m sorting, selecting and getting ready for my gigantic garage sale which, if you have marked your calendar as previously suggested, is this weekend. I am certainly not looking forward to this as many fond memories are attached to the items being offered, but on the other hand I am certainly looking forward to the final move up to my son’s family farm. Up there I have gone full circle, I will be back with a rural route address similar to the one in which I grew up.

My wants will be next to nothing and needs will total much less.

So there you have it, folks, this is a rain or shine occasion. I’ll be setting up tables shortly after 7am and be ready for action by eight, my location is just three buildings east of Tim Horton’s, on the same side of the road, in the heart of downtown Fergus. Come one, come all, and help me with this tremendous download. It would be a pleasure beyond hope to meet each and every one of my readers there.

Take care, ‘cause we care.




Barrie Hopkins
