Development charge indexing in Erin

 Even when Erin’s development charges go up later this month, they are still nowhere near those of the town’s southern neighbours.

As council reviewed its treasurer’s report, councillors saw the town’s development charges bylaw was passed in 2009 and incorporated items that allowed the municipality to annually adjust the rates.

For residential buildings, the rural rate would increase from $7,647 to $7,908 while for those with water services the overall charges would increase from $12,377 to $12,799.

For non-residential and commercial and industrial developments, the fees would switch from rural developments from $3.05 per square foot, to $3.14 per square foot.

For those with water services, the overall charge would increase from $4.84 per square foot to $4.99 per square foot.

Mayor Lou Maieron commented that according to the Wellington Advertiser, Erin seems to have the second highest development charges in the county.

As well, he said, places like Wellington North have talked about reducing those charges on industrial and commercial buildings.

Town manager Lisa Hass said “for our neighbours to the south, the development charges are $40,000.”

Maieron said, “Well, you are where you are.”

Council accepted the treasurer’s report without additional comment.

