Daynard to manage policy institute

The Ontario ­Agri-Food Policy Institute an­nounced the appointment of Terry Daynard as managing dir­­ector on Jan. 14.

The institute, based at the Ontario Agri-Centre in Guelph, has the mandate of identifying, assessing, and promoting new policies designed to enhance the well-being of Ontario’s agriculture and food economy.

That includes finding new ways to market traditional agri­cultural products in a compe­ti­tive global envir­on­ment, as well as researching opportu­nities for the development of new products, including health, food, nutrition, bioplastics and other materials.

John Scott, chief executive officer of the Canadian Federa­tion of Independent Grocers, and chairman of the institute’s board of directors, said, “Onta­rio’s agriculture and food sec­tor faces huge challenges in the coming decade.

“We, therefore, need to look to the institute to identify and promote policies designed to prosper in an increasingly competitive en­viron­ment. 

“I am excited about this opportunity to emphasize inno­vation, research specialty foods, and non-food markets, and create new economic part­nerships, rather than to conti­nue to concentrate on tradi­tional policies, as a means of enhancing prosperity,” said Daynard.

“With change, Onta­rio agriculture and food can be an even stronger contributor to On­ta­rio’s economy; without change, the future is bleak.”

Daynard will continue to retain a part-time affiliation with the Ontario bioauto coun­cil, of which he was formerly president and CEO. Other pre­vi­ous positions have included being associate dean of research and innovation at the Ontario Agricultural College, at the University of Guelph, executive vice-president of the Ontario Corn Producers’ Association, and President of the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association.
