Damascus W.I. holds meeting

Thirteen members and three guests of the Damascus Wo­men’s Institute met at the Damascus Community hall on Dec. 10 for the Christmas meet­ing.

The hall was beautifully decorated and the tables with green tablecloths, white hurricane candles and rose bowls filled with crushed glass top­ped with a coloured Christmas ball surrounded with green garland made for an attractive festive look.

President Miriam Green opened the meeting with a reading – Christmas Memories.  She welcomed everyone and presided for a short business meeting.

A large box of food items for the Arthur Lions Club’s Christmas hampers for the less fortunate was donated by the members.

Christmas cards were sent to former members of the group who have moved from the area. The roll call “A Humorous Story” was ans­wered with a Christmas reading, a personal incident, or a joke.

At noon we enjoyed a turkey dinner catered by Judy Eden and Laurie Mc­Kenzie. Following dinner convenors Joyce Culp and Gwen Wilson distributed the gifts from under the Christmas tree.

The question “Do you know who your Secret Sister is” was asked of everyone.  Some had figured it out or had a suspicion but most did not have a clue.

The afternoon concluded with the singing of some favourite Christmas carols.

Our next meeting is Jan. 14, at 1pm.

The Damascus Women’s Institute, wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.

Submitted by Shirley Langdon

