CVC staff, partners win award

Credit Valley Conservation water resources specialist Robb Lukes, along with his colleagues at CVC, and environmental design firm Emmons and Olivier, won an international award recognizing CVC’s Low Impact Development Construction Guide.

The CVC covers a large portion of Erin in Wellington County.The award, recently announced by the American Society of Landscape Architects (in Minnesota) recognizes excellence in communicating techniques and landscape architecture technologies.

The guide provides tips and specifications for designers, architects and contractors interested in incorporating low impact development techniques into projects. It is a rapidly developing field in water management that uses advanced techniques such as rain gardens and permeable pavement to help rain water filter into the ground, reducing polluted runoff and lessening the likelihood of erosion and flooding.

Lukes said, “CVC has been at the forefront of LID technology in Canada, and we have a growing suite of great resources to help make LID a reality in communities across the country.”

Several organizations on both sides of the border are already using CVC’s guide.

For more information, visit From there can follow the LID Guidance Documents link to find guide and other helpful resources.
