CVC continues talks with consultant over Station Street dam, bridge

The Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) authority has two more weeks to raise concerns about the environmental assessment process for the Station Street dam and bridge in Hillsburgh.

The CVC and Triton Engineering, consultants for the Town of Erin, have confirmed the CVC has been given additional time to air and resolve concerns.

The two parties met on Jan. 24 after the CVC board authorized staff on Jan. 20 to request an extension past the Feb. 1 deadline and to file a part two order with the ministry if no agreement could be made.

A part two order can be requested when outstanding issues have not been addressed in the EA process.

“That meeting was really to convey what our concerns are and go through some of the detailed aspects of it, specifically about the removal of the alternatives and then our desire to have them included in the overall analysis,” said Tyler Slaght, regulations officer for CVC.

Paul Ziegler of Triton Engineering said the two parties agreed to a new deadline of Feb. 15.

“We’ve acknowledged that they have a concern and we need some time to address that,” said Ziegler.

“After the 15th (if) we can’t satisfy them, they can continue with what they call an environmental part two order … or they can withdraw if we can come to an understanding or satisfy their concerns.”

The parties are expected to meet again before the new deadline.

The Feb. 1 deadline was still in place for other agency and public comments.
