County’s exemption for Matrix causes stir in township

Coun­cillors here are concerned that the county is exempting a local property from taxation – without consulting Wellington North.

A recent set of finance committee minutes drew concern from council which outlined a recent Wellington County council decision to exempt the residential portion of the Matrix Affordable Hom­es for the Disadvantaged in downtown Arthur.

That decision exempts the residential portion from municipal, county, and education taxes. The exemption was intended to satisfy the county’s funding commitments in 2003.

However, Wellington North never agreed to exempt township property taxes on that development.

And, at present, the finance committee minutes stated it is unclear in the legislation that there is any requirement for the township to be consulted.

The issue caused concern for councillor John Matusinec , in light of the local controversy and discussion regarding the establishment of the project in the first place.

Councillor Ross Chaulk, chairman of the finance committee, added “It was a surprise to us too.”

Mayor Mike Broomhead did not believe the county decision “is a slam dunk. We are still investigating it.”

Matusinec said his main beef is that Matrix is not a non-profit company.

Broomhead agreed that while there is county support, “It is not a completely county-run program. We certainly don’t agree with the decision made.”

Chaulk agreed.

He said there was considerable discussion at the finance committee.

“It is not over yet,” Chaulk said.

