Councillor to live homeless life for two days

It is a rare thing to hear a councillor declare she will be living in a cardboard box – but Centre Wellington councillor Mary Lloyd did that on Monday here at a Centre Wellington committee of the whole meeting.

Lloyd told council she will be living in a Shantyville being created by the organizers of The Door, a youth drop-in site. It will be held at the Sportsplex.

“I’ve agreed to sleep in a box out of doors,” she said of a project that will run Sept. 23 and 24. Lloyd added she will get to experience what it is like to be homeless, and “we’ll be busking for our keep.”

Lloyd said in an interview after the meeting The Dooris trying to raise money. It has become so popular some kids are forced to wait in the parking lot at Templin Gardens because there is simply no room for them in the clubhouse.

Lloyd said The Door is “oversubscribed” with about 60 youth in the organization. “It’s not uncommon to have 50 kids in the back alley.”

As for living in the rough, she explained the fundraising rules are that the participants are allowed to have no money with them, no cell phones, and no change of clothes. They are permitted to dress in layers.

“We’re allowed to bring a tarp,” she said, and added she will get to “experience what it’s like to get a meal at a soup kitchen.”

When asked why she was taking part in the homeless experience, Lloyd said when she was elected last year, she told her constituents her interests are Groves Hospital, seniors, and youth. She sits on the hospital board, and the company she and her husband run sponsored the recent Seniors’ Games in Centre Wellington.

“It’s time for me to help youth,” she said. “This is a great way for me to learn to live hand to hand.”

The setup of Shantyville will be about 5pm on Sept. 23.

