Council members named to committee of adjustment

A bylaw to appoint members of Mapleton council to the township’s committee of adjustment was passed at the Jan. 27 meeting.

A motion to give first and second reading to the bylaw, which names the five current members of Mapleton council to the committee, with the mayor acting as chair, was passed 3-2 in a recorded vote requested by councillor Dennis Craven.

Mayor Neil Driscoll and councillors Lori Woodham and Michael Martin voted in favour of the bylaw, which was opposed by Craven and councillor Marlene Ottens. The bylaw was later passed unopposed on third reading.

Council had initially approved the move by resolution at the Dec. 9 meeting, with voting split along the same lines. Previously, the committee of adjustment was made up of three citizen appointees.

A committee of adjustment is a quasi-judicial body in each Ontario municipality that adjudicates matters related to minor variances to zoning bylaws, and land severances.
