Council defers lagoon maintenance

A proposal for work at the sewage lagoon for Drayton and Moorefield was deferred on May 22 to the council meeting in June.

Public works director Larry Lynch recommended inspection and aeration maintenance be done on cell number three at the lagoon by Nelson Environmental at a cost of $10,570 plus taxes.

“There are a number of joints in the piping that have need of repair and in order for the system to operate at optimum level, scheduled regular maintenance is most effective,” Lynch said in his report.

He added employee Don Culp told him Nelson installed the system and completed a courtesy review while in the area last year.

“There is, however, no maintenance agreement in place and after eight years an inspection and thorough cleaning of the tubing is warranted,” Lynch said, adding he agrees with Culp’s assessment.

Councillor Jim Curry, though, questioned the need for the maintenance. He said the township is getting aeration in its primary cell and he has “grave doubts” about whether it is needed in cell three.

Lynch explained that cell is a contingency cell, and is already working. He said the township might at some point move everything from the main cell to cell three, and reminded council that staff has suggested cell three could be used in emergencies.

He added it costs $1,200 a year to keep that cell in operation.

Mayor Bruce Whale said the township can “reconfirm it as a benefit.”

Lynch said he can ask, “Is that money well spent?” He added, “If the pipes are not doing the job they are supposed to do … take them out.”

Whale asked if the company would make a special trip or do the work when it is in the area. Lynch said the work could be done when Nelson is in the area.

Curry moved, seconded by Councillor Neil Driscoll, to defer a decision. He and Driscoll voted for that deferral, with Knetsch and councillor Mike Downy opposed.

Whale broke the tie by voting for the deferral, saying council could decide in June.
