Council deems zoning bylaw amendment for five-lot severance complete

Guelph-Eramosa has deemed a zoning bylaw amendment for 5791 Eighth Line in Ariss complete.

The rezoning application is a condition of two consent applications and is a requirement for Wellington County to approve the severances.

“It’s a rezoning of the subject lands from agricultural to rural residential,” said township planning consultant Rachel Martin. “An existing single detached dwelling is located on the retained parcel and four severed lots are proposed with each being proposed to be developed with a single detached dwelling as well.”

The lands are located in the hamlet area of Ariss.

“The [official plan] encourages development of under-utilized properties for residential purposes as long as they are compatible with certain uses in terms of dwelling-type, building forms, site coverage and setbacks,” Martin said. “The official plan permits new lots be created within hamlets, provided that they are appropriately zoned.”

Both councillors David Wolk and Corey Woods expressed concern about the entrance location of one of the potential lots.

“The problem with that road is it’s not a 90 degree … there’s a slight bend there and people use it as a speed way, they make a slight turn and gas it all the way up there,” Woods said. “It would be problematic, wherever you put the driveway.”

Wolk added, “Not to say it couldn’t be done but just so that people are aware.”

Mayor Chris White said those are issues that will be brought up at the public meeting.

Council passed a resolution deeming the application complete and a supplementary planning report will be available at the public meeting.

