Council agrees to defibrillator purchase for community hall building in Alma

Mapleton council has agreed to purchase a defibrillator for the Alma Community Centre.

CAO Patty Sinnamon reported at the Sept. 25 council meeting that the municipality was unsuccessful in a recent application for funding through the Heart and Stroke Foundation for a defibrillator for the facility.

Since then, the Alma Optimist Club asked if the township would consider purchasing the equipment.

“I have no concerns with this request and would propose that funding be allocated to emergency measures,” Sinnamon stated in the report.

Councillor Neil Driscoll asked if there are any other locations in Mapleton at which  the municipality should consider placing a defibrillator.

Mapleton Fire Chief Rick Richardson noted the units are already in place in most public-use buildings in the township.

The cost of purchasing the defibrillator from St. John Ambulance is $1,895 plus HST and includes set up and training.

Council approved the purchase, including a recommendation the Alma Optimists be authorized to select two members to receive training on the automated unit.
