Council agrees to defer development charges for local car dealer

Centre Wellington has agreed to defer development charges for a six-bay addition to Reliable Motors at the south end of Fergus.

Centre Wellington’s  managing director of planning and development Brett Salmon considered this a good News item.

“Reliable Ford in Fergus has made an application for the expansion of their service department.”

Salmon added application was made for site plan approval and building drawings are in.

Patricia Rutter, economic development officer’s reported Reliable Ford is in the process of adding six new service bays to the rear of their property at 990 Tower St. South, Fergus. The new 3,750 sq. ft. addition will allow for the expansion of the service business and result in approximately four new jobs for service technicians.

Salmon said “when we estimated the development charges between the township and the county, the amount was about $33,000.”

Salmon  noted owner Greg McCabe requested additional time to seek long-term financing for the project and sought a deferral of his development charges.

A deferral would allow the building to be constructed and have the business get back on track, he said.

Salmon noted a similar deferral was made for Hutton Collision in its relocation into a new building in Fergus.

Salmon said the deferral of the development charges is for one year.

In response to a question by councillor Don Fisher, Salmon said the deferral applies to both the township and county development charges – the township being the majority of the amount.

Councillor Kirk McElwain asked whether this was treated similarly to an interest-free loan.

Salmon said it is simply a deferral of the payment for one year “it is not a loan – the money we would normally receive – we just get at a later date.”

Councillor Steven VanLeeuwen considered this a good example of how the township can work with the community – “looking at how we can make things work to promote economic development.”

Council subsequently endorsed the move.
