Community Foundation makes annual report

The Centre Wellington Community Foundation held its annual public meeting here recently.

The foundation reported significant progress over the last year.

Compared to 2010, when total foundation assets were about $40,000, pledges have grown to almost $250,000.

During 2011, it added two more funds, for a total of five, including the Elma and David Jack Youth recreation fund. The Middlebrook social innovation fund will engage with the local charitable community later this year.

The foundation honoured the Centre Wellington Citizen and Youth Citizen of the Year with a $500 grant each to a local charity of their choice.

It also completed its first formal mini-grant program by presenting cheques to nine local grant recipients, from two funds: cedar cliff fund and community fund.

The Centre Wellington Community Foundation is a public, charitable foundation created for and by the people of Centre Wellington Township. Its mission is to strengthen the community by helping donors achieve giving goals and by helping local non-profit organizations find resources to support their work.

For additional information about the grants, the granting process or the foundation, visit
