Comings and goings of the Coningsby Womens Institute

On Sept. 2 our group was privileged to be invited to What’s Cookin in Erin.

We met a 1pm at the store and were greeted by the owner, Jo Fillery, who introduced us to her helper, Tamara.

They explained the uses of herbs and spices and gave demonstrations on how they make chicken parmesan and beef and kidney pies using all the fresh local ingredients that they can find. They have a wide range of pre-made foods for sale that are prepared from scratch and frozen in individual servings. We were all amazed at how much they have in one small store and the food they produce.

The Coningsby branch of Women’s Institute also supported the local 4-H group. Those young people work on different projects and at the end they have to do a presentation. One of this year’s was the Oz show which several of our members went to see. They really do a fantastic job.

Members are also working on a book photographing the barns of Erin using digital cameras with funding from the Town of Erin and the Historical Society, and will be publishing a book for sale when completed.

We were fortunate to have three visitors from our sister branch in Coningsby-Tatershall, England for a short while this summer. They arrived here on June 29 and were taken to visit different areas of interest to Women’s Institute members. We did not give them much time to rest, on June 30, took them to the Wellington County Archives where everyone enjoyed a Victorian tea. On July 1 we took them to the Canada Day celebrations in Guelph. We strolled the park and enjoyed the choir and citizenship programs, then attended a barbecue in Orton. Friday it was off to Stoney Creek to visit the Women’s Institute historical house and then on to St. George to the Adelaide Hoodless home then we went on to the home of Freda and Joe Leenders for supper That Saturday we left early and went to St. Jacobs Market – a busy day – then back to All Saints Anglican Church for a buffet dinner put on by the ladies of the church. They did a fantastic job. Mayor Rod Finnie and his wife, Kirsti, helped us celebrate and a good time was had by all.

Sunday was a little lazier day; some went to church and walked the town afterwards, ending up at a member’s home for tea and cake.

A busy and enjoyable summer for all our members.

New members always welcome. For further information contact: Pat 905-873-6801.

