CMHA Waterloo Wellington offers Mental Health Week events

GUELPH – The Canadian Mental Health Association Waterloo Wellington is encouraging everyone to check in on their mental health during Mental Health Week May 6 to 12. 

Common features of good mental health are: a sense of self, sense of purpose, of belonging, contribution, enjoyment and resilience.

“So, what is mental health? Simply put, it is a state of well-being, and we all have it,” said Helen Fishburn, acting executive director CMHA Waterloo Wellington.

“We might have a mental illness, and we might not. Either way, we can all feel well. We can all feel good about ourselves, whatever life’s ups and downs.”

Mental Health Week events remaining include:

– May 9, a general public evening event with Kim Barthel as she explores concepts and insights from her book Conversations with a Rattlesnake, delving into the science of compassion. This will take place at Bingemans in the Embassy Room.

– May 10, CMHA WW Cambridge site will host a Mental Health Week Art Exhibit featuring work from clients of CMHA. Grand opening from 3 to 4pm. 
