Clifford street reconstruction plan outlined

Minto economic development manger Belinda Wick-Graham welcomed local residents to a public open house for the planned 2018 reconstruction of Elora Street in Clifford.

The meeting, held on Nov. 7 at the community hall in Clifford, included display boards outlining the overall plan, traffic control plan, and conceptual streetscape showing the placement of trees and street lights.

The construction on the northern segment of Elora Street (Highway 9) in Clifford will be completed in three phases:

– the downtown core south section;

– downtown north; and

– the section extending north of the village.

Officials on hand to answer questions included: Mayor George Bridge; deputy mayor Ron Faulkner; councillors Dave Turton, Ron Elliott, Judy Dirksen and Jean Anderson; CAO Bill White, treasurer Gord Duff, Wellington County councillor Dave Anderson; and the Triton Engineering Services team of Paul Ziegler, project engineer Chris Clark and project co-ordinator Jeremy Gibson.

Those sharing and asking questions included members of the business community, citizens and those directly affected by the project, and those who will need to yield access to their front doors and driveways.

The construction will make it difficult to access some businesses in the village and alternate routes will be developed.

Clifford and District Horticultural Society asked where existing flower planters will be placed and if the main street will be void of all beautification efforts during construction.

Many agreed the reconstruction and resurfacing projects appear well thought out, well designed and thorough.

Ziegler and Triton Engineering worked on the reconstruction project in Harriston and progress reports were communicated on a weekly basis.

Wick-Graham indicated Clifford citizens would experience the inclusive efforts.

Bridge noted the project is expected to cost in the neighbourhood of $2 million. The province will contribute up to $987,665 toward the project through the Connecting Link program.

Draft secondary plan

Also discussed was the Draft – North Clifford Secondary Plan.

The plan’s purpose is to establish local development policies to guide growth and development in defined areas of a municipality where major physical changes are expected and desired.

The secondary plan area includes businesses, agriculture lands, vacant lands, residences, roads, trails and unopened roads. It explains the sewer and water systems and available lands.
