Clifford Recreation Association to hold skateparty; for volunteers; all are welcome Oct. 2

The Clifford Recreation Association is planning to host a skating party for volunteers and members of the community at the Clifford arena on Oct. 2.

Each year, the Association hosts a volunteer appreciation event at the Community Hall.

This year, in anticipation of the coming season of activities at the Arena, it is inviting everyone from the community to enjoy free skating Oct. 2 from 7 to 9pm.

Don’t skate? No problem. Stop by to enjoy the refresh­ments of crackers and cheese, squares, and cookies, and a hot cup of coffee or cool drink of juice. Become re-acquainted with volunteers who took their shift at the food booth. Meet new members of the commu­nity.

Be sure to meet all the members of the association who banded together a few years ago to ensure the sustain­ability of the arena and com­mu­nity hall through promotion of the facilities, sponsorship programs, and community volun­teerism.

Say thanks to president Paul Wightman, vice-president Ran­dy Ruetz, secretary Cindy Read­ing, treasurer Karen Dow­ler, and directors Dale Ersman, Bill Raynard, Brad Richardson, Kayley Hummel, and Perry Weber.

Show up and register for the $50 draw to be held that day.


