Clifford Meals on Wheels makes over 1,600 deliveries during 2012

President Alieda Murray welcomed 19 members, clients, drivers and guests to the Clifford Community Meals on Wheels annual general meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 23 at Jamesway Manor in Clifford.

Reports were given noting 1,635 meals were delivered in 2012. Presently, there are 11 clients receiving nutritious meals served up by the staff at the Redwood Restaurant and delivered hot at noon by volunteer drivers. Drivers rotate their days and months choosing to deliver on a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. Clients call the committee at 519-327-8899 to order the meals.

Ruby Bell commented, “We are lucky to have you folks deliver the meals at any cost. They are so good and plentiful. Sometimes I can get two meals out of one.”

The executive for 2013 are president Alieda Murray, treasurer Bill Cheeseman and secretary Bonnie Whitehead.

Directors for 2013 include Randy Ruetz, Lyle Murray, Helen Braun, Shirley Murray, Sandy Cheeseman and Bill Cheeseman. Directors with terms renewed until 2014 are Marion Agla, Carol Lange, Bonnie Whitehead, Ross Derbecker, Patrick Mullan, Eleanore Gerber, Wes Gerber, and Alieda Murray.

  The committee appreciates all the years Bonnie Demerling has given to the organization and wishes her well. They also welcome Joyce Yost back to the board.

Meal drivers include Helen Braun, Kim Vanderburt, Claude and Elaine Field, Alieda and Lyle Murray, Carol and Reinhard Lange, Allan and Marion Wylie, Marion and Ross Derbecker, Bill and Sandy Cheeseman, Eleanore and Wes Gerber. Spare drivers include Pat Thompson, Debbie Beukema, and Karen Campbell.

Meals on Wheels also offers a transportation service for people unable to get to appointments. Destination, stops, length of time, and a fee is discussed before embarking on the ride. Drivers include Claude Field, Heather Giles, Merle Freeman, Eleanore Gerber, Barb and Frank Hoffele, Ivan Campbell, and Klaus Klug.

Wes and Eleanore Gerber announced the Rotary park was booked for the annual yard and bake sale for the first Saturday of June, which this year is June 1. They can always use extra help and are pleased with the past donations of items and support.

Murray offered appreciation to Gerald Hattle for setting up the room and to Shirley Murray and Alice Smith for preparing the coffee and tea and setting out the light luncheon. The gathering concluded with a game of shuffleboard.
