Clifford and District Horticultural Society members recognized with awards

President Bill Cheeseman welcomed District Secretary Laurel Strachan to the Clifford and District Horticultural Society’s recent potluck supper at the Community Centre in Clifford.

Georgie Hutchison announced she and Isabel Senek had attended a wine and cheese reception to accept a certificate of appreciation for the great things the society accomplishes to keep the downtown revitalized.

Since winning the national Communities in Bloom award in 2009, the Town of Minto has continued in a non-competitive role and will be re-evaluated and judged this year.

Youth leader Georgie Hutchison talked about the horticultural efforts put forth by seven-year-old Daniel Pfeffer to earn the Helene Held Memorial Award. Pfeffer attended the welcoming meeting and barbecue, helped at Earth Day, grew a garden, donated vegetables, entered exhibits at the flower shows, and may not have received all firsts, but he gives a 100 percent effort.

Doris Jaunzemis presented him with the award and monetary prize from the Clifford Royal Bank. Becky Walters was recognized for giving vegetables from her garden most weeks to the local food bank.

Barb Harris invited Larry and Linda Litt and grandson Ryan to present Carol Lange with the Edna Litt Memorial Award. Lange is a member of the board, helps with planting day and Earth Day clean up, enters exhibits, and earned the most points at both flower shows.

Bonnie Whitehead was presented with a certificate of appreciation from Laurel Strachan for her years as board reporter for District 7.

Minutes of the AGM were read by Irene Judge, who will be stepping down from her position as secretary, offering her pin to Marion Wylie. Wayne Pfeffer noted Judge donated several hours a week to run the society. She was presented with a seasonal planter.

Laurel Strachan installed the new executive and board for 2013 – past president Bonnie Whitehead, president Bill Cheeseman, vice-president Wayne Pfeffer, secretary Marion Wylie and treasurer Karen Dowler. Directors are: Elsie Grummett, Ann Bowen, Barb Harris, Jean Yenssen, Isabel Senek, Blanche Freeman, Helen Braun, Georgie Hutchison, Vic Palmer, Trish Palmer, Doris Jaunzemis.

Entertainers Lyn Hunter and Richard Huber played guitars and took turns singing country tunes.
