Clifford and District Horticultural Society hosts annual plant and bake sale on May 11

President Vic Palmer and volunteers from the Clifford and District Horticultural Society hosted the annual plant and bake sale on May 11 at the John Hobelman Memorial Rotary Pavillion in Clifford.

Some shoppers headed to the bake table for raspberry pie, tea biscuits, cookies, brownies and tea biscuits while others chose plants, bulbs, flowers, gardening tools and ornaments first.

Volunteers brought the greenery and the baking to support the society and its ongoing efforts to beautify the village. Many of the executive also wore the greenery showing their new green t-shirts with the society name. Volunteers are still canvassing for memberships and encourage new members to show their plants and designs and attend the flower show to be held May 22 at the community hall.  
