Centre Wellington moves ahead with parks, recreation and culturemaster plan

Centre Wellington is moving ahead with its parks, recreation and culture master plan.

On April 24, councillors awarded the project to Monteith Brown Planning Consultants Ltd. of London, with an upset limit of $72,458 plus HST.

The consultant will undertake the parks, recreation and culture master plan to determine what, where, when and how parks, recreation and culture will be planned, delivered and sustained in the township.

The proposal was advertised on the township’s website.

Four responses were recieved: GSP Group Inc. of Kitchener, MacNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson Planning Limited (MHBC) of Kitchener, Monteith Brown Planning Consultants Ltd. of London, and Stantec Consulting Ltd. of Waterloo.

The amount compares favourably with the approved capital budget of $85,000.

The project will be funded through development charges (67.5%) and general capital reserve (32.5%).

