Centre Wellington Fusion update

The Centre Wellington Fusion Select 7 Team 1 has kicked off its season with a bang.

The team went into its season opener on Oct. 3 against Caledon with one thing on the players’ mind – teamwork. Through great passes and stellar shots on goal the Fusion won 9-2, officials say.

Carter Billings scored the first goal, and hat tricks were recorded by Nathan Renaud and Sam Black.  Billings finished off the game with the final goal. Assists went to Ben Woodhouse.

The team headed back on the ice for its home opener on Oct. 5 and defeated the Brampton 45s 6-1.

Goal scorers included two goals each by Black and Alex Rossi, with singles going to Billings and Easton Martin. Assists we given to Maxim Lebeau, Griffin Mackie, Evan van Eykeren, Billings and Rossi.

A fantastic performance once again was had by goalie Ethan Lawrence, officials say.
